INDSafe Heart lies in supporting businesses in Engineering Design, Safety Consulting & Risk Management. We believe in Expert Solutions from Industry Best Practices.
By simply following the guidelines of CCPS, i.e. requirements of documents and written procedures, Hazard identification study documents, Mechanical Integrity verification records, etc. gaps in safety can be identified.
Identify Potential electrical hazards, flaws in design systems, maintenance system, etc. to prevent and minimize loss of life and property. It is important that Electrical systems are handled with utmost safety.
Losses due to fires can be divided into "direct losses" covering damage to the premises, its content, injuries suffered by occupants or others and other fatalities (if any). At times these losses may spread to adjacent premises.
Structural audit is a correct diagnosis establishing the cause, nature and extent of damage, and the weakness or deterioration caused in the structure where report gives a detailed description of condition of structure, scale of deterioration and effectiveness of a repair or retrofitting.
Rapid development, expansion of plants, scaling of production is often done at the cost of environment degradation which causes problems that have local, regional & sometimes national significance. To address this problem governments across the planet have identified trouble sources and enacted some regulations.
Road safety is a major concern in INDIA as can be understood from the figure that we have reported over 1 lac 50 thousand fatalities due to road accident. This becomes a serious figure when you know that it is 6 percent of total fatalities due to road accident in the world however we just have 1 percent of world’s vehicle population.